NZBA Media Statement re Sexual Misconduct Complaints
The New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture says that respectful behaviour towards all staff in the legal profession is a basic starting point to have sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace eliminated.
The comments follow news coverage of sexual misconduct complaints from law students with internships at a major law firm.
New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture President Clive Elliott QC says that any form of workplace harassment or bullying is unacceptable.
"It is crucial that we manage power imbalance in the workplace in a respectful way. We are absolutely committed to achieving a safe work place for all barristers and members of the profession. This starts with individual standards of behaviour, but workplace culture and policies also need to be examined” he says.
President Elect of the New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture, Kate Davenport QC, says a safe work environment is a fundamental requirement for all.
“We encourage all women and men to speak out if they suffer any form of sexual harassment or bullying. The Association through its Mentoring and Bar Care programmes has senior members available to give advice and support to those who are in this unenviable position. We urge them to come forward and contact us.”
Contact details:
Clive Elliott QC - email
Mob: + 21-389-121
Kate Davenport QC - email
Mob: + 21-637-503