LexisNexis E-Library Package

Conduct all your legal research from a single search bar and at a drastically reduced cost.  Join the revolution!

NZBA in partnership with LexisNexis offers full NZBA members an eLibrary Package comprising most of LexisNexis’ legal content for a fraction of the regular retail price.  It includes the online research portal comprising commentary, legislation, case law, books, editorial, forms and precedents, as well as international content.  Also, Lexis Red which allows you to carry and reference commentary titles via an App.  And last, but not least, the full suite of Practical Guidance titles.

Participation in this scheme also assists the NZBA with financial support from LexisNexis.

Contact Matt Pedersen – nzba@lexisnexis.co.nz or call 09 368 9515.

NZBA members click here for more information on the LexisNexis eLibrary Package.

Upcoming Events

31 Jul
The Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington
2 Aug
5 Aug
Christchurch | Ōtautahi High Court, Canterbury

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